Many of you have been asking for it, so we’re bringing it back!
The Landscape Collection is making a comeback, exclusively available through our retailers. To support local businesses as Covid-19 continues to affect us all, this collection will only be sold in physical stores, not online.

If you're looking for a product from this collection, you can find it at the retailers listed below in their respective regions. Contact the retailer in the landscape you're interested in for availability:

Nygården - Siknäs
Appertiff Workshop - Bollnäs
Backyard Denim - Örnskoldsvik
Butik MIM - Älvsbyn
Inlandet - Östersund
Jeansbolaget Flanör - Gävle
Jeansbolaget - Härnösand
Jeansbolaget - Kiruna
Jeansbolaget - Luleå
Jeansbolaget - Sundsvall
Jeansbolaget - Valbo
Jones - Hudiksvall
Larssons Järn - Överkalix
Nollnitti - Umeå
Nystedts Kläder - Malå
Sportringen - Pajala
Sportringen - Ljusdal
Patches And Pins - Sundsvall
Patches And Pins - Gävle
Patches And Pins - Umeå
Team Sportia - Boden
Team Sportia - Kalix
Team Sportia - Lycksele
Team Sportia - Strömsund
Äventyrsbutiken - Luleå

The release of the Landscape Collection, featuring the northern Swedish landscapes, will take place during Week 23.